Content extraction to XLIFF

with 1 click

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I download the content to make word count in my CAT tool (memoq, Trados, XTM, memSource)?

Yes, after scanning.

Does Easyling discover all the pages?

Easyling discovers the entire website as if it was a visitor, fetching all the dynamic content as well. However there might be a need to ignore some content multiplicator attributes (like colors, sizes can multiply the entries of a product catalog). In this case you can tell Easyling what expressions, attributes shell be ignored to avoid count the words with the same content multiple times with the different color names in the expression.

How does Easyling handle javascript and ajax generated content?

Easyling can translate JavaScript variables that are properly named in the code, although this requires knowledge of the language and the code in question. Otherwise, content that is not transmitted with the source code of the page will not be detected and translated.

What is considered as a repetition?
  • 102%: Strong contextual matches: every segment in the block level element (~paragraph) is a 101% match, where all the tags are identical.
  • 101%: Contextual matches: both tags in the segment, and contexts (segments immediately before and after) match.
  • 100%: Regular matches: the segment is repeated exactly, including all tags.
  • 99%: Strong fuzzy matches: tags from the ends are stripped out, words lowercased, numbers ignored.
  • 98%: Weak fuzzy matches: all tags are stripped out (may have to be adjusted manually afterwards!), words lowercased, numbers ignored

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