Easyling Changelog – v713

New features:

1694 feature backend accelerated HTML processing
1692 feature backend If a new project is created, Google Analytics related parameters (_ga*) will be put in the Ignored Queries list.


1693 fix frontend Removed obsolete Yahoo login implementation

Easyling Changelog – v709

New features:

1671 feature frontend Displays a new button on workbench which opens preview in
1670 feature frontend Grayed out area in Highlight View made less opaque


1675 fix backend Fix of an edge case where the content type of an already discovered resource stored on an external domain changed to text/html, as a result it became a page of the project, and it’s content was processed during crawl.
1676 fix frontend Fixed WorkBench dialogs broken because of SubmitEvent incompatibility in Chrome 81 See: https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/40901
1674 fix frontend When reviewing in highlight view, clicking Save&Next in the segment editor may have taken the reviewer to a different part of the page. This made it hard to actually use the highlight view and review the page top to bottom. We created a separate “Save” button in editing UI at the bottom, and it saves the segment without navigating to the next one.

Easyling Changelog – v710

New features:

1678 feature Dashboard 2.0 Endpoint can be added to XTM logins
1679 feature Dashboard Added warning about crawling subdirectory published pages

Easyling Changelog – v710

New features:

1681 feature backend Slow, continuous deletion of old, obsolete database entities related to long deleted projects.
1678 feature Dashboard 2.0 Endpoint can be added to XTM logins
1679 feature Dashboard Added warning about crawling subdirectory published pages

Easyling Changelog – v712

New features:

1680 feature frontend By default, this new option *Lenient workflow role checking for editing* is enabled in Workbench, which means the user doesn’t need to switch between workflow roles in order to be able to edit segments that belong to different roles. The user also can select the option *Strict workflow role checking for editing* in *Workflow filters*, and in this case, the entries/segments belonging to another role will be **greyed out**.


1684 fix backend Upgraded libraries for XTM integration in order to fix automatic XLIFF import issues.

Easyling Changelog – v707


1660 fix frontend SlimView is available again as the source code is brought to an up-to-date status.

Easyling Changelog – v677

New features:

1537 feature backend Remote cache content view and edit
1526 feature backend “Add canonical link header on externalized pages” tweak now skips the canonical link element of the HTML


1536 fix backend Send a canonical link HTTP header pointing to the original page on externalized pages by default on new projects.

Easyling Changelog – v673

New features:

1506 feature Dashboard 2.0 Auto pretranslate feature added to Dashboard 2.0
1508 feature backend ability to control text expansion/contraction in X-proxy mode (BETA)


1512 fix backend better handling of non-ASCII characters in headers

Easyling Changelog – v666

New features:

1483 feature backend respond with HTTP410 GONE on deleted projects (robots.txt is still served)


1489 fix backend more robust handling of the Domains API

Easyling Changelog – v662


1478 fix backend remove implicit length limitation on page skipping regex
1479 fix backend Retrying background verification of DNS records