Easyling Changelog – v739

New features:

1825 feature Dashboard 2.0 New filter in the Pages List for checking which resources changed recently.


1808 fix Dashboard 2.0 fixed a bug where the project owner’s email was displayed as the owner of the wallet which may not be the same due to shared wallets
1824 fix backend When a Path Prefix Override rule is created with JS or CSS injection, a 1 kbytes limit is present, but the proper input validation was missing.

Easyling Changelog – v732

New features:

1785 feature backend Newly created projects will use Shift AST engine to check JavaScript code by default, which is needed to keep up with the latest features of the JavaScript language in all kinds of browsers.
1789 feature backend Improved the formatting of CSV page list exports so that they are easier to process by machine.
1790 feature backend The proxy can now detect when it sends requests to itself and returns `410 GONE`.
1771 feature Dashboard 2.0 Added menu to configure the MemoQ integration on the Dashboard 2.0.
1753 feature frontend Import feature migration to Dashboard 2.0

Easyling Changelog – v733


1800 fix backend In an edge case empty text was written into the dictionary as the segment’s translation because of a bug in the white-space adjustment algorithm during the Pre-Translation from Memory process.

Easyling Changelog – v734

New features:

1801 feature backend Some proxy modes (mostly used during website analysis) don’t allow page and resource contents to be cached in browsers or server nodes inside the traffic route, even if the original content is allowed to be cached by the remote/original server. If by using these proxy modes the Cache-Control and the Pragma headers are modified by the translation pipeline, the original headers will be sent under alternative header names.
1802 feature Dashboard 2.0 The Dashboard 2.0 became the default landing page.
1797 feature Dashboard 2.0 Pre-translation of multiple target languages of the same project may be done parallel. Work packages can be pre-translated. Work package wizard can be re-set up from existing work packages which were created after February 2020.

Easyling Changelog – v735


1804 fix backend From now CSS/JS injections defined in Path Prefix Overrides will be applied as they supposed to be. Also, introduced a limit of 1 kbytes for CSS/JS content injection. Any CSS/JS larger then this threshold should be defined in external resources and be imported via injected links.

Easyling Changelog – v737

New features:

1814 feature backend In the past if any of the Machine Translator services were enabled on a particular project, we did no fallback to any of the Machine Translator services enabled for the user. From now on we check the Machine Translator services individually, and due to the fallback mechanism the available set of Machine Translator services may be a mix of services enabled for the project and services enabled for the user.
1806 feature Crawl Wizard New option called “Do not recrawl existing resources” available, to accelerate crawls


1817 fix backend Better handling of image href attributes inside inline SVGs
1813 fix Dashboard 2.0 Enhancement of the Contract Index selector component for better understanding.

Easyling Changelog – v738

New features:

1820 feature Dashboard 2.0 Systran machine translation service is now available for basic use-cases. Project level machine translation service credentials may now be defined so, that user account level credentials will not be used even if the project level credentials are disabled.
1821 feature backend When creating a new project in the proxy the query parameter “aspxerrorpath” will be automatically added to the “Ignore queries” list.

Easyling Changelog – v721

New features:

1723 feature backend & frontend From now on you can save the path prefix(es) in which you plan to publish the selected project language. With this information, the crawler and the Proxy will avoid visiting the translated pages. This new option is available in Dashboard 2.0 -> Publishing settings.
1721 feature backend & Dashboard 2.0 To help search indexing bots, it’s now possible to set up a redirection from externalized pages to the original site.
1726 feature Dashboard 2.0 Added the option to hide pricing information from the crawl wizard and the crawl list

Easyling Changelog – v724

New features:

1752 feature backend Ability to handle various social media-related OpenGraph meta-tags

Easyling Changelog – v725

New features:

1745 feature backend The y-proxy now blanks out content that doesn’t need to be translated, only leaving uncaptured content that needs translation.


1761 fix backend Crawls now process pages where the content size is above 1 MB (but below 4 MB).