Translation Proxy Basics, Part 3

Let’s talk about proxies!

In the first and second part of the series, we clarified the concept of translation proxy and how it makes the website translation process easier for both translators and content owners.

Today, we’ll try to answer some common concerns about the use of translation proxy-based solutions.

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Translation Proxy Basics, Part 2

In Part 1 of the series, we described why the process of website translation is such a hassle from the translator’s and the company’s point of view.

Translation proxy-based tools simplify these steps by eliminating the IT effort from both the customer’s and the translator’s side. Read the full article

Business development resources for freelancers and LSPs

To make a living in the translation industry, translators will benefit from being proactive about marketing their services and building their own brand. This is kind of obvious and no different from any other field. To support the growth of your business, Easyling created some useful tools and plan on continuing to do so. (See our previous articles about Income diversification and Easyling’s Sales Tool.)

Translators will benefit from networking with peers, sharing thoughts and tips with colleagues and getting inspiration from time to time. The feeling of community is especially crucial for translators who tend to work mostly by themselves, from their home offices. Fortunately, there are many great resources around the web, many of them for free.

Here’s our subjective list to check out for freelancers.

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Analytics, Easyling, and You

Google’s Analytics platform is a great tool for measuring site impact and coming up with new ways of improving your site. If your site is already using Analytics, you’ll be able to track both the original and the translated site with the same tracking code (in fact, this is already happening), but by default, Analytics will group the hits from both domains, original and translated, into the same view, and you’ll be unable to separate the impacts of both from one another. Fortunately, it is possible to set up Analytics to do just that for you! Read the full article

The Bleeding Effect

When using a translation proxy, a frequent question is how new/updated content is handled, because of the time it takes for translators to process the new content and prepare their translations. Apart from using machine translation as a stop-gap measure, the most effective approach is using a staging domain to host your content only for linguists’ eyes before publishing it (and its localized version) for the world to see. Read the full article

11 SEO tips for website localization

When entering  a new market where people speak a different language – you’ll need an SEO strategy to fully exploit market opportunities. The title of a research conducted by Common Sense Advisory tells it all: “Can’t Read, Won’t Buy…”, as the vast majority (85.3%) of respondents felt that having pre-purchase information in their own language is a critical factor in buying services. Read the full article