Where to Find your Next Client

From time to time, every company needs translation services. The question is not who to approach, but when.

There is a segment and timing not considered by LSPs so far, a segment that is about to spend a fortune on introducing their services/products to a foreign market. Read the full article

Announcing Easyling webinars

We are happy to announce the launch of our webinar series! We are planning to host free webinars in various topics, technical and business-related alike.

The very first webinar will take place on June 2nd, 2016. Peter Farago, Easyling’s CEO will show you how simple it is to give a word count for any website. Read the full article

More words than dollars? No problem.

How to translate e-commerce’s infinite content with a definite budget?

The problem
Translating e-commerce sites can and could be the most profitable projects –  if only your customers didn’t get a heart attack after receiving your quote to translate 1,200,000 unique words. The problem with e-commerce projects is that site owners are not aware of the scope and price tag attached to the enormous source content e-commerce sites usually have. However, there is a solution you can offer them and close the deal.

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Market explosion

What is the next big thing?

Not a long time ago, having a high-quality website meant that a company had the resources to invest in significant expenditures: they had the money to hire a web design firm, set up an in-house web development department and plan for the ongoing costs of web maintenance, programming and content management, all requiring IT expertise. Solutions were often tailor-made for big corporations at hefty costs. Smaller players could find cheaper solutions that often looked semi-professional, withholding many from even having a website.

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Standing up for the LSPs’ right to freedom of choice

We at Easyling strongly believe that each LSP should have free access to the latest technological innovations of the language industry. We claim that any intention to limit this freedom of choice is wrong not just for the LSPs but end-users and the industry as a whole.

We do believe that competition should inspire technology providers to improve their services and provide better support to LSPs.

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Understand Website Translation Proxy in 2 minutes

We created a short, vendor-independent video about the website translation proxy to explain the technology, how it works, the question of hosting and how the translation is created.

The video is a great way for LSPs to explain translation proxy to their clients. Feel free to share it!

3 ways of website localization

In this article, we review the options of translating websites and sum up the pros, cons and costs involved for each option.

There are 3 options to localize a website:

1. Translation directly in the customer’s Content Management System (CMS): translators do the translation right in the customer CMS’s admin interface.
2. Using content connectors: the customer’s IT department extracts the source content for the LSP, and then they put back the translation into the original CMS.
3. Using Translation Proxy: whenever a foreign visitor visits the website, the translation happens real-time, based on the previously uploaded Translation Memory. Read the full article