Introducing Dashboard 2.0 and the Complexity Matrix Beta

We are excited to announce that the redesign of Easyling’s dashboard is on the way! We are revamping the current dashboard gradually, one feature at a time.

Developing Dashboard 2.0

The goal is to build a design that is scalable and easier to maintain during the upcoming years. Based on Dart and Angular 2 technologies, we follow the principles of Material design. The new dashboard will put the user in its focus, aiming for  a more intuitive, user-friendly interface. During the transition, the current dashboard continues to be actively maintained and supported. We estimate that the migration to Dashboard 2.0 will be completed by the end of 2017. Read the full article

Easyling Release Notes – 2017 January

January meant an eventful launch to the year for us, which resulted in quite a few new features to the proxy that you can use to cater to even more customer. We have added enhanced compatibility with major CDN providers to pass metadata on the originating user, we have added the ability to define a Live Staging domain, and the Dropbox notification email has been enhanced to show you the changed files. Read the details after the jump!

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How to avoid false security shutdowns?

We just had a very busy week! On Wednesday, our user-facing-site got disabled for a short time. What happened?

Many companies use the services of Internet security companies specializing in copyright, trademark protection and anti-phishing solutions. These companies can often misinterpret the proxy solution for translation, and identify the yet-untranslated site as an illegitimate copy, and a threat to client security. Read the full article

Easyling Release Notes – 2016 September

With September came the new school year in Budapest, and with that, the Proxy returned to school to gain new and enhanced capabilities. Among the new features in September are the progress follower UI providing real-time feedback from long-running tasks, the ability to expel historic untranslated content from a project, and a number of invisible-but-important backend enhancements. See the full details after the jump!

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Easyling Release Notes – 2016 August

August is a month of celebration in Budapest, and so it was at Easyling as well: while the rest of the country celebrated the national day, we celebrated our brand new documentation, as well as our new updates that make your life easier and the Proxy more powerful. For example, we can now process <video> tags as resources, set page rules to execute on-the-go search&replace operations during proxying, and we have rolled out the public cache accelerator to the public. See the full details after the jump!

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Announcing Easyling webinars

We are happy to announce the launch of our webinar series! We are planning to host free webinars in various topics, technical and business-related alike.

The very first webinar will take place on June 2nd, 2016. Peter Farago, Easyling’s CEO will show you how simple it is to give a word count for any website. Read the full article