Easyling Release Notes August, 2020

By the end of the summer, we made further progress toward the completion of migrating Easyling’s user interface to Dashboard 2.0, the new platform.

The Translation Memory, MemoQWeb and Import Translations tools are now available on Dashboard 2.0. In addition, we made some improvements to the JSON Path Tester user interface. 

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Easyling Release Notes June, 2020

In June, we have started to slowly return to the office now that the virus is starting to calm down in Hungary (fingers crossed). We had our first online masterclass, and plan to arrange further workshops. Also rolled out some exciting new features — see below the fold!

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Easyling Release Notes, Spring 2020

We hope you are doing well! Despite these challenging times, our team has been able to make some good progress, and release new features, and migrate several existing ones from Dashboard 1.0 to Dashboard 2.0. See more details after the jump!

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Easyling Release Notes – May 2019

Summer is almost around the corner, at least according to the calendar. During the spring, we have been busy with proceeding with Dashboard 2, transferring more and more features from the old interface while also adding some useful new subfeatures. Read the full article

Easyling Release Notes – August 2018

During the past 6 months, we have worked heavily on a new Easyling Dashboard experience, both in terms of technology stack in the background, and UI/UX/features as well.

First in stealth mode, but now coming to the spotlight, the redesigned new frontend is publicly available. Not just with a new look, but also with some powerful and useful features are added. Read the full article

Easyling Release Notes – 2018 February

As another month goes by, so does another round of development for the Proxy. Along with some minor bugfixes and enhancements, we have rolled out the ability to use the Highlight View with work packages, as well as serving outdated content to search spiders. See the full details after the jump!

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Easyling Release Notes – 2018 January

With the new year in full swing, so is development at the proxy. This month, we rolled out a new beta feature completing our Continuous Delivery For Translations pipeline, as well as the option of avoiding population of MT-entries in the Translation Memory. See the full details after the jump!

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