Website Translation Platform

Acquire & deliver website translation projects

Word count

within minutes

Content extraction to XLIFF

with 1 click

Mass Sales Tool

Raise the interest of hundreds for your service

Translation proxy

Whitelabeled for your brand!

Website word count

Website word count

in minutes

With Easyling, you can give a quote for any website quickly without the need of manual copy-pasting or asking for the content in files from the customer. Easyling provides the word and repetition count with a click in a couple of minutes.

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Content extraction to XLIFF

Content extraction to XLIFF

with 1 click

With Easyling you can extract the content to your own CAT tool  (memoQ, Trados, XTM, MemSource, Wordfast, Dejavú, …). Once the translation is done in your preferred CAT tool, using your TM, Easyling gives you a preview to the live, translated site.

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Translation Delivery

Translation Delivery

Proxy or JS

Depending on the security and SEO requirements of your website translation project, you can deliver translated content through the Translation Proxy or go for the in-browser, JavaScript-based solution.

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And wait, there's even more!

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